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An Outdated Website Hurts Business

November 23rd, 2017 by admin


We've all seen those websites – old sales, graphics, news items, announcements. Sometimes it's hard to tell if they are still in business, so we move on to other sites. In many cases, those companies are losing potential customers because they're not treating their website like a living, ever-changing representation of their services. Even worse, they might not be finding your website, as slow and outdated websites are ranked lower by search engine algorithms.

Your site may have been stylish and hip back when it was built, but if it isn't optimized for mobile visitors, isn't featuring your current product offerings, or if “the latest news” is from two years ago, then it's time for a change. Our team of web developers is ready to give your site a fresh coat of paint!

We build our sites from the ground up to ensure that they work like a finely tuned machine. They are lean, mean, and built with a specific purpose in mind. Atomic8Ball will work closely with you to find the right balance between modernizing the site and keeping its best features. The goal is to get visitors interested in the products and services offered, through a site that is easy to navigate, welcoming, and featuring a good amount of content.

Your website is a vital tool for the success of your business. If you've left your site to slowly fall apart in terms of content and programming, then you're actively hurting your marketing efforts and losing business.

Time to give your site that edge over the competition – let Atomic8Ball give it a new look!

Posted in: solutions