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Bug in Internet Explorer Leaves Users Vulnerable

September 18th, 2012 by Brian Chupp

Microsoft has confirmed that a bug in Internet Explorer leaves users vulnerable to attackers, and is recommending several temporary fixes. Here's the best one, and one Microsoft declines to suggest: Drop IE, and use a different browser altogether.

On Monday, Microsoft issued a security advisory for Internet Explorer users running all versions from IE6 to IE9 running Windows 7 and earlier, warning of a security bug that can allow the takeover of the PC of any user tricked into visiting a website rigged to exploit the flaw. The hack, which was first spotted late last week by security researcher Eric Romang, is already being used to install the Poison Ivy trojan by some of the same cybercriminal operations that earlier exploited a security flaw in Java, and security firm Rapid7 estimates that the bug affects 41% of users in North America and 32% of users worldwide.

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