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Corporate Buzzwords

July 24th, 2014 by admin

"Mission Statement" by "Weird Al" Yankovic

We've all heard these buzzwords before, though maybe not as melodiously as when they're sung by "Weird Al" Yankovic. There's a reason these words are ubiquitous in business environments. When used properly, they help you clarify your vision for your business, and they give your team some core concepts that inform their decisions.

But do they belong on your website? While it can be useful to share your mission statement with your customers, be aware that your clients come to your website seeking concrete information about what you have to offer them. They're not looking for a bunch of abstract concepts that sound indistinguishable from your competitors. Your content is your identity on the web, and it allows you to go beyond merely talking about your mission statement to actually achieving it.

At Atomic8Ball, we work closely with our clients to design sites that will best serve their customers' needs. We find ways to emphasize the products and services that set you apart in your industry.

If you think your business deserves a custom-made, content-filled website, not a site full of boiler-plate fluff, contact us today to get started!

Posted in: business help