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Fine-Tuning Your Business with Search Engine Optimization

May 28th, 2019 by admin

Man typing on laptop

You have a business and a website, what's next? Unfortunately, having a website doesn't mean that customers are going to come pouring in as soon as your URL is set up, though it is a significant step to bringing in new business. Now, it is time to market your business and your website with a plan on how to get your content, products, and/or services seen by the right people. Search engine optimization can help achieve this, but certain factors must be in place before it can be an effective marketing strategy for your business.

With consistent monitoring and on-going tweaking, your website will soon start to bring in traffic from users (like you and me) who are searching for specific keywords and phrases related to your business. But what is needed to achieve maximum SEO performance? These are a few essential elements for planning a successful SEO strategy.

A Functioning and Responsive Website.

The content on your website is essential. Adding new and quality content consistently or just having regular activity on your site ensures that your content is ranked high on sites like Google and Bing's search engine result pages, or SERPs. Also, it is imperative that your website is mobile-friendly and functional on all devices including tablets; this allows for higher credibility, better search rankings, and drives more overall business.

Keyword Strategy

Understanding what your target audience is searching for and how they search for your content is also an important part of the planning process. One way to attract organic traffic to your website is by utilizing common keywords and phrases relevant to your website and incorporating them into content such as in articles and blog posts. Search engines like Google work by using two main processes, the first is called 'crawling' which finds content on the web and the second, 'indexing' organizes the content for quick retrieval to the results page when a user puts in a query. These processes allow search engines to know precisely how to classify your site by the content and keywords used throughout your website. You can find these keywords by using keyword tools, and by doing some research. While it is good to use relevant keywords naturally throughout your website, excessive use of keywords can lead to Google seeing your site as malicious or spam – further lowering your index.

Social Media

Social media is a fantastic tool to talk directly with your base and gain traffic. Having social media alone doesn't improve search result rankings but when your business is actively posting relevant, quality content that links back to your website and is engaging with your core audience, and followers, this will, in turn, lead to gains in traffic on your site. As you start gaining traffic to your website from social media, this will make a significant impact on search rankings.

SEO is an inbound marketing strategy that requires proper planning and execution, but it isn't as complicated as you may think. The aim of a good SEO strategy is understanding user intent to cater to a search user's needs. As you get started, results will be slow, taking upwards of 4 to 6 months before you start seeing any results. Also, optimization is an on-going process that requires consistent observation and making small modifications to parts of your website including titles, meta descriptions, articles, posts, and more.

At Atomic8Ball, we can help your business by building, managing, and fine-tuning the SEO strategy for your business. From initial web design and hosting to content management, search engine optimization, and social media management, our job is to take your business to the next level.

Contact us today!

Posted in: SEO