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The New Year is Coming! Is it Time to Refresh Your Site?

December 16th, 2013 by admin

The Internet is dynamic--always changing, always promoting what's new. Something that seemed fresh and exciting three years ago can feel dated now. That's why Atomic8Ball offers you a Website Refresh.

At Atomic8Ball, we're constantly updating your website with information, products, events, and announcements as you send them to us. These little changes keep your website active and thriving. But sometimes it helps to take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture: Is your business the same as it was when you got your current site design? OR have you started promoting a new product or technology? Have you shifted your emphasis to serve a new industry? Our Website Refresh allows your site to reflect what your business is doing now.

In addition to letting your site reposition your business where you want it to be, Website Refresh allows us an opportunity to look at your site with fresh eyes, finding ways to reorganize for efficiency and ease of use. Refreshing your site gets us away from The Way It's Always Been and helps us find the way that will serve your goals moving forward.

Interested? Contact us today!

Posted in: announcement

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