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What a Year It Has Been!

March 17th, 2021 by admin

Child dressed up as superhero, wearing an American Flag cape with her hand in the air

March of 2020 was the beginning of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and oh, what a year it has been since then. The stresses that Americans were used to, commute times, crowded subways, or "what restaurant should we eat at tonight?" have been replaced by remote work, home-cooked meals, and "what should we watch on Netflix tonight?". At Atomic8Ball, we are feeling the effects of the pandemic, but we have used this time to improve our internal processes, and we are trying to incorporate more social time while working.

We are happy to report that we are more efficient than ever! We have reduced our average update completion time from 2-3 days pre-COVID down to just over a day. We value our customers, and we are very pleased with the turnaround time. And with our customers in mind, we have increased our product offerings, with more products on the high and low-end.

Another way we are improving our internal processes is by having an open meet time. We will keep a video conference open where our employees can join and work. We feel that this increases our employees' happiness, which in turn, increases productivity. Additionally, the increase in collaboration has proved invaluable.

We are always trying to improve at Atomic8Ball. While this past year has been one of the more challenging ones, we feel that we are emerging better than before.

Posted in: announcement, web services