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Atomic8Ball Blog Articles

e-Newsletter Benefits

November 14th, 2015 by admin

Atomic8Ball can help you create an e-newsletter that will have a powerful impact! A well-structured e-newsletter can drive sales and increase visibility for your business. You can use our built-in link tracking to see the effectiveness of the newsletter...

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Posted in: web services

Why Your Business Needs an e-Newsletter

June 3rd, 2014 by admin

Remind your customers you exist. Even though you're thinking of your business all day every day, the truth is that your customers aren't. A monthly reminder in their inbox lets them know that you're still around and able to help them when they need...

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Posted in: web services


August 9th, 2013 by admin

Does your business have an e-Newsletter that is regularly sent out to your customers with relevant information and important links? If not, we can help. Atomic8Ball offers an e-Newsletter that makes a difference. Not only do we custom create the e-Newsletter...

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Posted in: announcement