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Atomic8Ball Blog Articles

Mastering the Art of Providing Useful Feedback to Your Web Designer

May 9th, 2024 by admin

Web designer tools cartoon

In the world of web design, effective communication is the key to success. As a client, providing useful feedback to your web designer is crucial for ensuring that the final product meets your expectations and achieves your desired goals. At Atomic8Ball,...

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Posted in: solutions

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

February 10th, 2021 by admin

Child dressed up as businessman with cardboard wings. Success, improvement, innovation concept.

Something we don't talk about much is the fact that we are ALWAYS working on improving our server infrastructure. We've gone through several iterations over the last 15 years because we have always made it a top priority to provide you with...

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Posted in: announcement, web services

What is Mobile-First Indexing, and How Does it Affect Your Business?

August 29th, 2019 by Eric Benamati

Businessman holding phone with technology icons

Over a year ago Google announced that they would be rolling out mobile-first indexing. Now, as of July 1st, that new process has gone into effect. You may be wondering what that means or how it will affect your website in search results, so we are...

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Posted in: solutions

Our Thought Process Behind Conversions

February 20th, 2017 by admin

Website Conversion

On the left the new site We've learned over the years that every website has its own distinguishing elements. Sometimes a customer will want to take a whole new direction with their site and have everything look different, but usually that isn't the...

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Posted in: products, web services