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TAG Convention and Other Adventures in Savannah

May 28th, 2015 by admin

The TAG convention is always an amazing experience. It’s always great to get together with so many of our clients and like-minded business people, establish that sense of camaraderie and friendship. Combine that with being able to get facetime and talk shop with clients that we work with on a consistent basis is unlike anything that I can tell you. Here at Atomic8Ball we do everything virtually so it’s always a good experience getting to talk face to face.

The convention had a lot to offer, especially with the speakers. Jeffrey Gitner in particular was the main event headliner and really stood out. He was really personable and was well versed in the industry having written several best-selling books on sales and other business techniques, he seemed to provide a certain kind of energy to the whole experience. You know you’re doing your job well when you can create an ambiance in a large group of professionals. His energy was infectious and really got the convention energized. Interestingly enough, he’s the reason why we are looking to start putting memes on Instagram for not only us but also our Atomic Marketing clients.

It’s kind of weird to think about how powerful Instagram can be for your marketing endeavors but having pictures go viral with a really clever meme can bring untold traffic to your website. Simple things like Throwback Thursday pictures and examples of work that you’re performing can help you connect with your clients on a new level. It’s always important to step out of your routine and view the work you do from a different perspective. That’s why I’m glad we went to the TAG Convention, not only to socialize with our clients and friends, but we also got to experience a little bit of a vacation while exploring Savannah.

While in Savannah we got to go explore some of the Civil War forts and got to see a cannon from the Civil War actually get fired. At the Sunday Event I learned how important Savannah was due to having the largest port in the Eastern Seaboard in 2014. Candidly, I didn’t even realize they had a port. You learn really quickly having a hotel right on the water and seeing these GIANT ships passing right by the hotel. Our room was on the 4th story and with the hotel already being 2 stories up, we were still looking up at the ships while they passed by.

We’re back now and settled in for all of the fun new things that we have rolling out here at Atomic8Ball with our Atomic Marketing Packages. We’ve been throwing ideas back and forth internally but I think we’ve had a meeting of the minds and we’re really on to something great. Most of our clients are on our Silver Package which is primarily web presence and social media management with a few added things sprinkled in for flavor. Once you get to the Gold Tier, we are actually creating that marketing piece to be totally custom tailored to fit our clients. We are also offering our Platinum Plan, which includes everything with Gold and Silver but we’ve added AdWords management as well. We’re just putting the finishing touches on the plan so I’m excited to show everyone how Atomic Marketing can revolutionize the way you do business. We’ve also hired a couple of new people that are really shaking up the way we do things here at Atomic8Ball but we’ll save that for our next episode.

Posted in: random thoughts