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Does It Really Matter If Your Site Is Mobile Friendly??

November 6th, 2019 by Brian Chupp


Mobile traffic is the majority

For years we've been saying that soon there will be more mobile users than desktop. According to 51.6% of web page views worldwide were mobile as of August 2019. This is excluding tablets! You can bet that with future generations who have been raised on smart phones rather than desktops that this number will only continue to grow.

If you are promoting your business on social media the need for a mobile friendly site is even more urgent. In Q3 2019, mobile accounted for 81% of social media site visits in the United States. This means that if a user is coming to your site from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or any other social network you'd better be mobilized!

It is exactly for this reason that 100% of our Atomic Marketing customer sites are Google certified mobile friendly.

Mobile friendliness directly impacts your search engine ranking

This is not speculation or hearsay. Google rarely says specifically what their ranking signals are but in 2015 they announced that they are boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly pages. Since then we've put hundreds of hours into research, training, and operational enhancements to make sure that our client sites perform as well as possible on mobile.

On top of this, Google has rolled out their switch to "Moblie-First Indexing" thus making mobilization even more important. Take a look at our recent blog What is Mobile-First Indexing, and How Does it Affect Your Business? to learn more.

Mobile users are impatient

Google says that 53% of mobile site visits leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load. That's why a huge part of our mobilization process is not just the appearance of the site, but also optimizations to make the site load super fast over a mobile network or with slower mobile hardware.

In case you didn't already know, we're obsessed with speed. The average Atomic8Ball site takes just 1 second to load. For our Atomic Marketing clients, this number is just over 0.6 seconds – faster than 94.8% of web sites.

Posted in: SEO