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How Your Web Page's Load Speed Affects Your Business

January 28th, 2019 by admin

Site optimization

Some of you might not think that a 2- to 3-second difference in load time for a web page is all that significant, but it makes a world of difference to those viewing your site. That narrow window of time difference can drastically affect the performance of your website, which is why we offer our Site Optimization service to help you get the best load time possible.

Studies have been shown that up to 79% of customers who are unhappy with a site's load time are less likely to buy from the same site again. That's on top of the fact that nearly half of all web users will quickly abandon a site that isn’t loaded within 3 seconds. All of the effort you put into developing good content for your site is completely wasted if your visitor immediately leaves the site because it's too slow. We've put a strong focus on providing fast sites to our clients and average less than 1 second for load times, cutting down on lost customers and increasing the retention of end-users on our sites.

Now you may be wondering how you can impact the load time on your site and improve your SEO results. One answer is Google's PageSpeed Insights service. The more in line with Google's best practices for website development your site is, the higher the score it will receive and will perform to its best case potential. However, your site can only perform as well as the infrastructure that it's served from, which is why our sites run on Amazon's CloudFront Content Delivery Network (CDN). Combining the best practices of PageSpeed Insights with Amazon's CDN provides our clients with substantially better-performing websites than what they had prior to coming onboard with us.

You can't deny the facts, the slower your website is, the worse your chances are at making a sale. Don't let load times hurt your business, give Atomic8Ball a call and get the website speed that will make all the difference for your business.

Learn more about how our Site Optimization can help your business…

Posted in: SEO

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