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Atomic8Ball Blog Articles

Is There A Right Time To Create A Website For My Business?

July 3rd, 2024 by admin

Tablet with generic websites

At Atomic8Ball, we firmly believe that having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes in today's digital age. Whether you're a solopreneur or a large corporation, a website can be a powerful tool for reaching new customers,...

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Posted in: web services

How Does Offering Multiple Languages on Your Website Help SEO?

January 18th, 2024 by admin

A man holding a graphical representation of the continents in his upturned palm

We all know that Google rules the search engine realm, and if you want your website to shine on the search results page, you better play by Google's rules. Now, here's the kicker – Google loves multilingual websites. Why? Because it's all about...

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Posted in: web tips, SEO, solutions

Why Are Website Audits Beneficial for Your Business

November 25th, 2023 by admin

A laptop and tablet on a desk  displaying html inspections of a website

When running a business, a lot is at stake. As a business owner, you must rule out all the possible issues before they arrive and cause turbulence. Your business website is one such aspect that requires special attention from time to time. It is...

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Posted in: web tips

My Website Doesn't Work with Internet Explorer!

August 7th, 2019 by admin

Laptop with explosion causing the glass of the screen to break

Internet Explorer has fallen a long ways from the days when it had over 90% of the worldwide market share. Presently, the combination of IE and Edge constitutes about 8% of browser usage, with around a 50/50 split between them. But That Sounds...

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Posted in: solutions

Stand out From Your Competition with a Website Designed Just for You

April 24th, 2019 by admin

waves of water

On the internet, your businesses website is akin to a single fish in a vast ocean. You are surrounded by a mass of other fish, all trying to be noticed and picked by someone. You can make ripples in the water all you want, but when you look just like...

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Posted in: web services, solutions

Your Website Maintenance Checklist

April 10th, 2019 by admin

bumblebee on flower

It’s Spring! And just like it’s time to clean out that messy garage, tune-up your vehicle, or rearrange your closet, it is also time for a monthly maintenance check for your website. Once your site is built, you can’t just set it and...

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Posted in: products, web services, web tips, solutions

Helping You Enjoy the Summer

July 14th, 2017 by admin


It feels like every day we're seeing new articles and stories about how our society is spending too much time on the computer and the internet. While many of us end up looking at screens for work, we find it's important to occasionally shut everything...

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Posted in: web services