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Atomic8Ball Blog Articles

Is There A Right Time To Create A Website For My Business?

July 3rd, 2024 by admin

Tablet with generic websites

At Atomic8Ball, we firmly believe that having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes in today's digital age. Whether you're a solopreneur or a large corporation, a website can be a powerful tool for reaching new customers,...

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Posted in: web services

Why Is Website Load Time Important for SEO?

March 23rd, 2023 by admin

CLose up view of a URL, including a lock for SSL

The speed at which a website loads is an important factor in how well it ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines like Google prioritize sites that load quickly, as this provides a better user experience for searchers. Faster-loading...

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Posted in: SEO

How Does SEO Affect Your Website?

February 28th, 2023 by admin

A man pointing to a graphic that says 'SEO' and there are various technology icons in hexagons around the word

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a powerful tool for improving your website's ranking in search engine results. A higher ranking helps your website attract more visitors and can have a significant positive impact on the success of your online business....

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Posted in: SEO

What a Year It Has Been!

March 17th, 2021 by admin

Child dressed up as superhero, wearing an American Flag cape with her hand in the air

March of 2020 was the beginning of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and oh, what a year it has been since then. The stresses that Americans were used to, commute times, crowded subways, or "what restaurant should we eat at tonight?" have been...

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Posted in: announcement, web services

We're Speeding Up!

September 12th, 2019 by Brian Chupp

A super fast running white dog

As you know, our Atomic8Ball web presence service comes with unlimited updates. We strive to maintain an average 2 business day turnaround on these updates in an effort to make it fast and easy for you to keep your website updated. But we're a bunch...

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Posted in: announcement, web services

My Website Doesn't Work with Internet Explorer!

August 7th, 2019 by admin

Laptop with explosion causing the glass of the screen to break

Internet Explorer has fallen a long ways from the days when it had over 90% of the worldwide market share. Presently, the combination of IE and Edge constitutes about 8% of browser usage, with around a 50/50 split between them. But That Sounds...

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Posted in: solutions

How You Can Build Your Web Presence

June 19th, 2019 by admin

Times have changed for businesses. In the past, a newspaper ad or a television commercial was enough to get your company's name out there. Now, however, if your business isn't active on the web, no one will know you exist. You need to show people...

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Posted in: solutions

Stand out From Your Competition with a Website Designed Just for You

April 24th, 2019 by admin

waves of water

On the internet, your businesses website is akin to a single fish in a vast ocean. You are surrounded by a mass of other fish, all trying to be noticed and picked by someone. You can make ripples in the water all you want, but when you look just like...

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Posted in: web services, solutions

Your Website Maintenance Checklist

April 10th, 2019 by admin

bumblebee on flower

It’s Spring! And just like it’s time to clean out that messy garage, tune-up your vehicle, or rearrange your closet, it is also time for a monthly maintenance check for your website. Once your site is built, you can’t just set it and...

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Posted in: products, web services, web tips, solutions

Inviting Clients In

August 16th, 2018 by admin

Front Door House Exterior

With only 24 hours in a day, how much time are you devoting to updating your website? You’ve already had a long day of doing what you do best to keep your business running, do you have the time and expertise to manage your web presence too? Or has...

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Posted in: web services

Update Your Website to be Unique to You

July 8th, 2018 by admin

website design

Every business and company wants to stand out from their competitors. You want to have a look that makes you stand out and is wholly unique to you. So naturally, you want the same for your website. You want it to have a layout that you like, pages designed...

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Posted in: web services, solutions

Better Rankings with our Atomic Marketing Program

January 22nd, 2018 by admin


Now that many customers are finding businesses through google searches, it’s becoming increasingly vital to focus on your online marketing efforts and digital presence. Businesses that land on the 3rd, 4th, or 20th page of search results aren’t easily...

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Posted in: web services

Unlimited Website Updates

April 5th, 2017 by admin

getting help

With most of the website hosting and design companies out there, you need to pay premium to get more than a set number of changes in a certain period. For some businesses, who offer the same products or services each season and don't use their website...

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Posted in: web services

Keeping Up with the Times

January 10th, 2017 by admin

Are you setting new goals for your business in 2017? Be sure to assess your web presence and online marketing while setting goals. These days, you need to have a website that gives a professional and competent impression to potential and current customers....

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Posted in: web services